Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability - BYUH Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability Skip to main content



The mission of Kumuwaiwai Sustainability Center is to develop students into disciple-leaders for a sustainable tomorrow utilizing the traditions, wisdom, and knowledge of Oceania and the Asian Rim and BYU–Hawaii's land-based resources.

What does the Kumuwaiwai Center for Sustainability do?

Students, faculty, and staff at BYU–Hawaii integrate our culture of sustainability into their lives and their future communities. Our sustainability culture drives university operations toward a positive impact on future generations. (Vision Statement approved by Presidents Council, May 2021)

What does kumuwaiwai mean?

Kumuwaiwai is the Hawaiian word for natural resources or "the source of supply". Our motto is "I ka wā ma mua, ka wā ma hope," which is translated to "Through the past is the future."